A midnight chant

I remember having this memory as a kid, going in a family trip to the mountains, it was getting dark and my dad’s car broke in the middle of the road. After waiting for some hours this man passed by driving a big truck, he pulled over and offered some help. While the old man and my dad were trying to fix the car, I sat some meters away from them and got distracted by the beautiful sky full of stars… it was simply stunning, it was mind blowing the endless amount of those tiny lights hanging in the dark and I could say I never saw anything else that would make me feel mesmerized… that was until I found something else that could be even more beautiful than that.
I cannot even pretend to use words to describe something that sublime, I can just say that every time I get to see it, there is this sensation of calm, peace, joy. It attracts me like a bright light trying to show me the way out of a long dark tunnel. I would say, with no shame whatsoever, I became addicted to it.

A caress that feels like rain on your face while you walk in the forest in a summer day, a look that resembles the full moon reflected on the ocean and makes you wander in it, a laughter that recalls a soft melody, a voice that makes you fly higher than any drug… everything comes together and all my old memories seem so little, missing that doze of rush that goes all over my body and I can feel it in every cell, makes me go insane, craving for more. It takes its time, like the sun when sets in the horizon very slowly and it paints the sky with this magnificent colors.

I attempted to close my eyes for a brief moment and immediately got dragged by my imagination to astonishing places and it does not matter where it takes me, I feel that presence and makes me jump to the next scenario making a huge effort to reach it, to get a piece of that soul that will heal my broken being.

Now I will just lay down in the dark while I hear a river flowing, some flutes in the background and let my loneliness to keep playing tricks in my mind.


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